Apr 18Liked by Nandi Rose / Half Waif

I had my own Kansas time back in February. Brutal. But then I came out of it. Now I feel like I'm heading back into another one of these seasons. I wish I could go longer between them. I feel what you mean that it's like pioneering through a jungle and dead-ending at a cliff. It hurts. It's discouraging. It's panic-inducing. What was finding all this air to breathe is now being muffled and nothing I do can break it free. Just have to wait it out. I've been helped by a talk James Low gave. You just be with it. You don't need to call it good or bad. You don't need to strive with it or against it. Just let it be. The light is always around us, like you say. Thanks for your beautiful and inspiring writing ❤️🙏🏻

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Yes! This is such a good reminder. I took a meditation class once where the teacher said we should tell ourselves "let it be" rather than "let it go." It's a small adjustment but a powerful one. ❤️

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